The purpose of OakRose Academy of Light is to present, develop, and teach a universal understanding of humankind's innate, natural and inherent higher consciousness, the I-AM Divinity within each person.
The OakRose Academy promotes an expanded awareness and knowledge of metaphysics and the Law of the One as it has been given unto the Earth by Heaven; and supports the upliftment of the planetary consciousness, as the Academy teaches and fosters an individual's enlightenment, education and opportunity for spiritual advancement.
The OakRose Academy of Light is pleased to present the following Earth Initiatives for the improvement and upliftment of the consciousness of human endeavor wherever change in systems of control and mismanagement and/or ignorance of the True purpose of life on this planet do occur. We maintain that the human collective itself can bring forth change that fosters well-being, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the New Age of consciousness that is now occurring. Each day for a 28 day cycle we will present a new initiative for you to contemplate and to bring a Higher Perspective to that topic.
If you promote the Highest Ideals for the betterment of humanity, if you are able to see where the downfalls within the old paradigm lie, you can make a difference in the world; you can change that outdated paradigm by your intention. It's all about intention and attention. By the power of your thought and intention you will prevail.
Change is the action of God's Will in the Universe; by entering into the process of change, you serve the world and its potential for upliftment, for Grace, and for a true 'Way of Being' that is in accord with Heaven. Never doubt that you as a Lightworker, work for the Highest good of all beings, and that the power of your Love and Faith will bring about true change to your beloved planet Earth.
Consider, if you will, the Impact on the World if we All Focused on this Initiative.
Read all the New Earth Initiatives
OakRose Initiatives for the Betterment of Humanity © OakRose Academy of Light - March 2018 - All Rights Reserved
When we understand that all life is grounded in unconditional love and that life is service from beginning to end, we begin to find the patterns in life that bring joy, harmony and peace into our lives and into the lives of those around us. As we reach towards the next octave of physicality in the ascension process, the Realms of Light and the Ascended Masters, who have been overseeing our beloved Earth for millennia now, are once again coming forth to teach, foster, and guide humanity to a Higher Light Focus, in order to achieve our final leap into full Christ Consciousness. Humanity as a collective consciousness is evolving and merging into full awareness, grounded in love, and fostered in gnosis or Divine inner knowing. This is our Divine heritage, our Legacy from Heaven, and our return to Oneness with the Creator Most High.
If you have found this site you are probably ready for a deeper experience of spiritual awakenment.
The Right Reverend AliceAnn Taylor has over 30 years experience in orchestrating psycho-spiritual development and facilitating transpersonal training programs. Rev. AliceAnn's unique ability to bring forth the words & teachings of the great Masters is a tremendous gift to the world, as she has been trained for many lifetimes by the Great White Brotherhood of Light to be one of Earth's clearest voice channels. AliceAnn is able to reach, not only the Ascended Master Realm, but also the mystical Realms of the High Heavens and bring forth the messages from the Lords of those Realms of Light as well as the Seven-Ray Archangels. She and her husband travel world-wide to bring the Teachings to people everywhere.
Reverend Hilary Taylor has over 30 years of worldwide experience facilitating corporate and individual communication & transformational leadership skills. He is widely acknowledged as an inspiring facilitator, mentor & coach committed to making a positive difference in the world. One of the ways he does this is through developing leaders around the world who are aware of the important issues facing them at work, at home and in their communities.
Together they make an outstanding team for transformation in the world.
"Hello, I am AliceAnn Melchizedek. I am a clear voice channel for the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Realms of Light. The Academy, which I founded in 2007, has evolved to a Mystery School for the New Age that assists people everywhere to find the Truth of the inner life, the I-AM Consciousness that is part of the next phase of humanity's evolution. The Academy offers you a rare opportunity to find that Spiritual essence within that you may have been searching for for a lifetime. My goal is to assist Lightworkers everywhere to their highest potential and to bring forth the advanced Teachings of the Ascended Master Realm. It is my joy and privilege to be one of their foremost disciples and clear voice channels, and it is my sincerest joy to bring their words and teachings to humanity."
"Hello, I am Hilary Melchizedek. I am a certified Transformational Facilitator and I assist people in finding their authentic true Self, which is a part of the new Nova Earth Reality. I have been assisting Rev. AliceAnn for a number of years, as she offers Master classes, workshops and training institutes under the guidance of the Ascended Masters she channels. We work as a team to bring Ascend in Love tours throughout the U.S. and abroad, and I myself conduct training programs in Transformational and Evolutionary Consciousness & Leadership. It is my great joy to work with the Ascended Master Teachers and inform and enhance the consciousness of humanity."
Rev. AliceAnn
Rev. Hilary
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